Thirty Dialogs Bleeding to One

“Septimus, if the ivy needs to consume a human child to become all-powerful, it’s safe to assume it’s the invasive stuff.”
Colin Meloy, Wildwood

Some stuff I’ve loved online

  • The Logoff - A newsletter from Vox that distills the signal from the noise of the Trump presidency

  • The Anti-Social Century - An article in the Atlantic breaking down what we’re losing by the decrease of in person gatherings and communal spaces

Letterboxd screenshot of my favorite movies of 2024

My top 10 11 movies of 2024! Surprisingly, there weren’t a lot of end of the year movies that rocketed to the top of my list, but overall there’s a lot on here that really stuck with me. You can find the whole list here or I’m planning on doing a write up of each of them here!

Thanks for reading!