The Almost Darkest Days of the Year

Madison was also developing another idea: that the absence of clashing ideas and competing interests leads to overreaching and corruption.”
― Lynne Cheney, James Madison: A Life Reconsidered

Just a few more weeks in this cursed year. This last month has had so many whirlwind news stories my emotional state keeps trying to find escapes to hide in. We have been able to do some Christmas activities including getting a tree for the house. I love the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree because the whole house smells like the woods.

Girls State - Apple Films 2024

When I saw the 2020 film Boys State I was entering a world I had no idea existed. This activity was way out of my circle when I was growing up, and the whole idea fascinated me. On top of that the Boys State film was a great piece of documentary film making. Introducing a lot of narrative arcs and following people through them all to a great conclusion.

Cut to the 2024 follow up Girls State. This time set in Missouri, my home state, on a campus where the Girls State and Boys state are held at the same time and same place, this is a similar tale to Boys State, but lacked some of the narrative direction. I didn’t quite click with some of the stories, but still am really interested in seeing where these people end up in their lives a few years from now when they enter their careers.

Thanks for reading!